My Magpie Chandelier!

So a few posts ago I mentioned the lovely Magpie Chandelier from Anthropologie. And how I was going to make it, cause I didn’t have an extra $5000 sitting around in a fancy lamp fund. Its more like I had $20 of change I scraped together, and a serious need to make something frivolous and fun for myself. Since I believe that we all need to take a break from work sometimes and recharge the batteries by making something completely different, that’s what I did that week. It was also a week that I really should have been working, but well, when the inspirations strikes, who am I to say “hey, kinda busy, come back later.” I am pretty much never that person. I am happy when inspiration comes knocking!

So here is the finished product: I’m feeling its pretty rad. It’s a bit smaller than the original I think, and a bit more flamboyant. I used only beads and junk from around the house, most of it are beads I got back in high school, in my hemp jewelry days, so it was really fun to get those out and make something out of them that I would see every day. The rest of it is from various bits of vintage earrings, necklaces, and bracelets that I had collected over the years and hadn’t found a use for yet. It is a true magpie lamp in every sense of the word: I filled it with shiny bits that I had been collecting for years.

This is is humble beginnings: everything is hung on wire bead cord and attached with crimp beads or wire to the hoops.
Here’s the support structure; six wires more or less the same length. These got tweeked alot as the weight was put on. The bottom wire thing is a wreath form spray painted gold to match the brass rings on top.

Heres some beads added. Oh, and chains too.

A close-up of the main body of the lamp. see all the different things on it?

And of the bottom. All the strings came together on a round wooden doughnut in the middle.
And at the very bottom, a bit of chandelier that my fellow magpie collector (and also Saturday Market cohort) Ben gave me!

All in all, I am seriously in love with this light. The light cord itself is a three dollar and ninety nine cent Ikea cord. I really did spend less than twenty dollars on the whole thing. The thing that cost me is time. It took a whole season of the wire (season two, excellent if you are interested) to make, all told, i spent about 13 hours on it. So if I were to make this to sell, it would end up costing someone about $500. Which is a pretty screaming better deal than $5000! So if anyone out there has $500 in their fancy lamp funds at home, look me up!

Categories: art, home projects | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “My Magpie Chandelier!

  1. You are indeed one crafty bitch… =)

  2. Nice! Way better than Anthro!

  3. Hi there! We love your take on our chandelier – take a look at our online profile and hope you all inspired! Keep recycling, re-purposing and being innovative!Magpie

  4. Thank you Shane for your lovely comment! I just visted your site, and all I can say is WOW. You guys rock.I am adding your link to my blog, so I can show those lights to my friends.

  5. Keep the Both Thumbs Up!Chandelier

  6. I just finished watching the Man Shop Globe episode two, after the chandelier was found in South Africa. And then i came across your blog. WOW! I love that you are so friendly about sharing the tutorial. I'm interested to start this project too, so I'll be sending emails your way if I get confused. πŸ˜‰

  7. absolutely stunning! I saw the magpie chandaliers is anthropologie in London, and would love to make one as I don't have that kind of money either! Thanks for the tip, off to look at the rest of your blog πŸ™‚

  8. Awesome!! Dang, something else I want to do now…

  9. Zsuzsanna

    Love your beautiful magpie chandelier! Do you also sell them??? Kindest regards Zsuzsanna

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